Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
PropertyGuru statement on HDB resale story

PropertyGuru statement on HDB resale story

PropertyGuru published a story headlined “HDB flats are more unaffordable than private homes” online on March 22nd and in print the next day. Following publication, HDB issued a response in which it claimed our story was “misleading” and based on a “simplistic analysis”. Our story, which used data from the housing... 

Swiss expats say Singaporeans not entitled to jobs in Singapore

Swiss expats say Singaporeans not entitled to jobs in Singapore

Franziska Zimmermann Swiss lawyer Franziska Zimmermann may have been in Singapore for only 18 months, but she talked as if she has been staying in Singapore since birth and even found fit to lecture Singaporeans! In an interview conducted by the Straits Times on expatriates working in Singapore, 37 year old Ms Zimmermann felt... 

Why the PAP Govt should not subsidize Singaporeans

Why the PAP Govt should not subsidize Singaporeans

Yes, you did not read the title wrongly, but I think subsidies are just a side effect of flawed policies that do not address the underlying problem or root cause. Subsidies are like inflated price tags that deflate, become someone was made poorer over a period of time, and it seems everything in Singapore seems to be overpriced... 

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