Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
“投废票”的致命力量, 请问你是“投”还是“弃权” !

“投废票”的致命力量, 请问你是“投”还是“弃权” !

你对人民行动党或反对党都没好感,打算在来届大选投废票吗?如果你有这个念头,请仔细阅读这篇文章,了解为什么糟蹋你的投票权形同投执政党一票一样! 试想在A选区有1000位合格的选民, 600个选民投了人民行动党而其余的400人给予反对党一票,结果人民行动党获得60%的选票而反对党为40%,假设有1位选民,因上述原因投了废票,人民行动党获得的票数为600张而反对党得到的票数就更少了,也就是399票,我们把废票排除在外的话,人民行动党实际获得的票数为60.06%而反对党是39.94% 再假设100个选民基于上述原因投了废票,人民行动党最终得到600票而反对党为300票,实际比例是人民行动党获得66.67%和反对党仅获得33.33%。 看到了吗,当你投废票的时候,无形中反而帮人民行动党增加他们的百分点,以过去四年作标榜,你想我们未来的四年会好过吗?上一次行动党赢得了大权,我们的苦难淹到了我们的腰部,再多四年的话,我们大家都要深陷其中了。 让我们再看看另一个例子。比如说B选区共有1000位选民。我们假定有51%的选民对人民行动党不满,逻辑上反对派应该稳赢吧?这可不一定噢,基于各种原因,选民选择投废票,比如某些人胆怯、不安、身为公务员、或选民被政府发放的大红包(这可是我们的钱)等诱惑所吸引。 假设49%或490位选民仍投了人民行动党一票,51%对人民行动党不满的的选民里面,有100个人投了废票,其余的410投了反对票,人民行动党将以54.44%获胜而反对党仅得到45.56%的票数,人民行动党仍然获胜! 咦,发生了什么事即使51%的选民对他们不满,人民行动党怎么还获得胜利呢?... 

YPAP can ignore young critics

YPAP can ignore young critics

With the GE (General Election) expected in 2011, there has been interest on choices of younger voters.  Critics of the ruling PAP (People’s Action Party) regime argue YPAP (PAP Youth Wing) do not have a good strategy to truly win over younger voters. Since the 1991 GE, the conventional idea was that younger voters were more... 

Election’s Swing Voters – Who Are They?

Election’s Swing Voters – Who Are They?

Many Singaporeans have commented that  the soon-coming election will be a watershed one. Some have optimistically predicted that at least two group representative constituencies (GRC) and three single member constituency (SMC) will fall to the opposition wards due to the hostile ground shift against the ruling party. Moreover,... 

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