Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Betrayal in Politics

Betrayal in Politics

Politics is treacherous and betrayal is pretty much the norm. In SG politics, opposition faces a humongous monster PAP and most opposition members have little idea how to beat this monster. Instead, they may find poking at other opposition an easier task than facing off the main opponent PAP. Covert Betrayal is actually the... 

Will Trump rise from the ashes and rule US again?

Will Trump rise from the ashes and rule US again?

Will Trump do a Neo in Matrix, rising from the ashes and rule US again? We can’t discount that possibility. We underestimated him in the last election, and he Trojan-horse’d into the highest office of the land. From there, it was four years of history making, and it’s not the positive kind. He cut ties and budgets. He... 

Opposition Politics

Opposition Politics

Some people prefer to call it Alternative Party politics but I will call it as it is. It's definitely never easy to be in opposition politics. In fact, it is easier to quit from opposition politics than keep on to it for life. This is why I have utmost respect to JBJ, who in spite of all the persecution and verocious attacks... 

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