Archive for the ‘Society’ Category


纳丹走的一刹那,使我想起了我的爷爷,生前的他经常说起新加坡沦陷的事迹,外在的惨境绝非笔墨所能形容,而内在则是精神虐待,心惊肉跳,惧怕被日军瞄上,轻则成了日本皇军刀下亡魂“一了百了”,重则家中妇女被日军先奸后杀。 被日军占领期间,对于许多我们普通老百姓的爷爷们来说,绝对是个噩梦,不过纳丹的际遇则完全不同,那可是他梦幻人生的开始。 首先日军聘用纳丹为其翻译,纳丹间接成为日本皇军的雇员,他自然也就得到皇军的庇佑,期间无人可以动他分毫,除了日军以外。 常言道:“别人的危机,可能是我的商机”。随后生财有道的纳丹,进展到替日军购买粮食,从中赚取利润。 纳丹确实是受到幸运女神的青睐,日军占领期间,他可以独善其身免于兵祸,1945年日军战败,纳丹也安然无恙的全身而退。 1965年新加坡独立,与敌共枕的纳丹的人生旅途,也因此步入了另一高峰: — 1966年2月调任新加坡外交部。在部门内曾任助理秘书、副秘书和内政部代常任秘书。 1971年8月调任保安与情报司司长,任内曾处理恐怖份子日本赤军(Japanese... 

CPF members pay up to more than $1 million for PAP’s ‘guarantee’, a form of taxation

CPF members pay up to more than $1 million for PAP’s ‘guarantee’, a form of taxation

Singaporeans have been taken for a very long CPF ‘guarantee’ ride by PAP. As has been highlighted in a previous post, the government, as a trustee, was never in a position to guarantee our CPF. This is just another way of scamming money from trusting citizens who could lose as much as more than $1 million over a 40-year... 

Are the appointments of the EP and PM racist in design?

Are the appointments of the EP and PM racist in design?

Former PE candidates I have noted some discussions in the TR Emeritus (TRE) and some commentators insisting that the design of the election of the PM and the EP was racist in nature, favouring the Chinese community. Is that so? Where did it say so? To some small minds, it is very clear that it is racist, in favour of the Chinese... 

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