Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
The plight of Singapore’s aging, jobless PMETs

The plight of Singapore’s aging, jobless PMETs

We have seen close to a hundred jobless PMETs by now for this year and it looks like a new record since our annual average is about 200 clients for the past five years. The emails just come flooding in and maybe our two protest events on the 6.9 million Population White Paper have generated much publicity for our services... 

Meritocrazy in a decadent city state

Meritocrazy in a decadent city state

Straits Times (Print); 5 April 2014; Pg D2 - Wanted: Local talents in varsities. They say a fish rots from the head. When that happens, the fish does not think anymore and soon the rot will spread through the entire fish. And because of a rotted brain, the stench of rot would not even be noticed. There is no sensory organ to... 

45% of university students are not Singaporeans?

45% of university students are not Singaporeans?

I refer to the article “35% of NUS student population are foreigners” (TR Emeritus, Apr 5). It states that: “However, the latest NUS Annual Report [Link] revealed something startling. It showed that the proportion of foreign students in NUS, the top university in Singapore, is exceptionally high at 35%:   AY2012/13 AY2011/12 AY2010/11 FT... 

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