Archive for the ‘Society’ Category


「谁」造的孽? 我想,答案是很明显的!因为没有“集选区”,或许就没有许文远,也没有林瑞生。 作为职总秘书长,林瑞生不晓得已经把“提高生产力”重复了多少N遍。然而,除了纸上谈兵,他对“生产力”又有多少理解呢? 他说:“每一个工作都可以被专业化,问一下日本的园丁、德国的清洁工、美国的服务生,他们会告诉你,这是可以做到的。” 我说,林瑞生啊林瑞生,你为什么没问问“日本的园丁、德国的清洁工、美国的服务生”薪水有多少?他们会告诉你,新加坡也是可以做到的! 人家说,马无夜草不肥。又要马儿好又要马儿不吃草的奴隶时代已经不在了。俗语说“重赏之下,必有勇夫”。反过来说,一个人辛勤工作,竟然不能温饱,还必须乞求国家的“就业补助金”来辅助生活费。这样窝囊的遭遇,我想,就算是牛马,应该也是提不起精神来做工的吧? 要让牛马努力工作,首先就得负责把它们“喂饱”了。然而,吃饱了的牛马还是牛马,它们不会变成大象。要提高牛马的生产力,做主人的,就必须提供点子。譬如说,给牛马套上缰绳,再加上两个轮子、四个轮子,生产力就会成倍的叠上去了。 因此,工人从来只是“效率”的问题。一个没有“效率”的工人,竟可以干脆炒他鱿鱼算了。譬如没有“效率”的老牛老马,就只好为肉市场提供牛肉马肉。然而,要提高“生产力”,动力就非来自“管理层”不可。 园... 

Money matters

Money matters

In slumberland Recently, Lawrence Wong, Chan Chun Sing and Grace Fu were serendipitiously caught on camera, nodding off in parliament as the budget was presented. No wonder, the glaring omission in the grand show and tell was the traditional gee-whiz powerpoint slide-fest favoured by the Old Man. And for good reason too, it... 

Giving the Govt due credit

Giving the Govt due credit

Sometimes, a single picture meme is good enough to replace the entire post. But if you are still reading, here’s the fuller post. At the risk of being mistaken once again for being a PAPpy dog, I think we should give some credit to the gahmen for having enough foresight to expand our drainage system and build all those NEWater... 

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