Archive for the ‘Society’ Category


我曾经为新加坡而自豪,也以新加坡人为荣 -- 但是,曾几何时,这自豪坠入了沼洼国,为荣更是谈何说起? 我能够为赌场自豪吗?那是罪恶的深渊! 我能为40万辛劳终日,所得却不足温饱,必须领取就业补助金才能勉强度日的底层同胞自豪吗?那是尊严的羞耻! 我能够为在小贩中心佝偻着身子收拾碗碟;蹒跚着脚步在厕所作卫生工作的老人家自豪吗?这些本来就应该在家颐养天年的老人! 我能够为状况层出不穷的地铁自豪吗?尤其是公器私用,国家的民脂民膏养肥了一群私企! 我能够为集选区这种挂羊头卖狗肉的假民主自豪吗?当帮助少数民族成为提携新人进入国会的顺风车! 我能够自豪吗?作为华人,博物馆呈现的“盛唐遗珍:法门寺与大唐瑰宝”看不到华文! 我能够自豪吗?当跛马借鸟遁竟然逃出了守卫深严的拘留中心。 我能够自豪吗?当年薪数百万的总理包红包给老人都要“善心人”赞助! 我能够自豪吗?当卫生部长建议国人到外国看病。 我能够自豪吗?当校长老师名人连前法官都去嫖雏妓。 我能够自豪吗?当用金钱收买外国运动员入籍来撄取奖杯! 我能够自豪吗?当一个印尼友人讪笑原来我们也有人在捡垃圾。 我能够自豪吗?... 我能够自豪吗?... 我能够自豪吗?答案,很显然的,是“不”!然而,虽然我不再以作为新加坡人自豪、不再以作为新加坡人为荣... 

Taking out a class action suit against SMRT?

Taking out a class action suit against SMRT?

Gilbert Goh has long been a hero for all of us. Better known as "the father of all protests", his unprecedented and dedicated efforts have been beneficial to all of us in politically-comatose Singapore. Besides raising awareness about our feelings to the ruling party, he has also gotten international media coverage to show that... 

How much tax are S’poreans really paying? (4)

How much tax are S’poreans really paying? (4)

By Roy Ngerng and Leong Sze Hian This is a 10-part series which will analyse the tax that Singaporeans are paying, in comparison with the Nordic countries. It has been said that Singaporeans pay one of the lowest taxes in the world, and that the Nordic countries pay one of the highest taxes in the world. This series would explore... 

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