Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Our SWFs are furiously investing overseas

Our SWFs are furiously investing overseas

Recently it was reported that our SWFs were investing in micro financing in China and India, lending money to the poor to do small businesses. If the objective is to do charity and philanthropy, I think this is a worthy cause. Yesterday it was reported that one was investing in Bollywood. And there was the fame investment in... 

My son earns $10,000 (一万)

My son earns $10,000 (一万)

Taiwan - Average Salary in Different Industries Many years back while doing my ICT in Taiwan I had time to take the train and be amongst the Taiwanese along the Taipei Chiayi line. The Taiwanese spoke mainly minnan dialect or Hokien as we are used to. These two women were chatting away like our aunties in the market, one probably... 



Minister Lui using public transport 《吕部长》与其说车资调整冻结两年,倒不如说待机涨价,待于时也。凡事有利必有弊,何来完美之策,描述到其计划仿似完美无缺,似乎只有赢家没有输家。 明年公布详情,必然故伎重演引用甜美词汇,尽量掩饰其弊端,推测其重点,无非算计纳税人,代还,50万弱贫车资差距。试想,若以车资优惠为名,是否具有误导性,仿似业者给与优惠。理应正其名,称“纳税人补贴车资计划”。 04/2013... 

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