Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
The return of the Sedition Act for the internet

The return of the Sedition Act for the internet

The Sedition Act has made its comeback. The last time it was used was in 2008 when a Christian couple deliberately distributed Christian material to Muslims for conversion purposes. The sentece was 8 weeks jail. However, it was the Internet that paved the way for the Sedition Act to reappear as deterrence and punishment in 2005.... 

人民埋单 — 我看免费车资计划

人民埋单 — 我看免费车资计划

这世界,谁不自命不凡、眼高过顶?若是眼前没有镜子,哪个男的不认为自己就是潘安再世?哪个女的不觉得自己就是貂蝉西施?但是,只要不是「眼高手低」,这又碍着谁了? 「眼高手低」,这就是新加坡政府的致命伤。一份《人口白皮书》一出台,不只是丢脸罢了,还惹来了满身蚁。说起来,这和今日的《政府将试行一年免费搭车计划》大有因果关系。不是吗?当前5百万人口就把交通系统弄得焦头烂额了,想想690万,怎会不叫人流冷汗呢? 头痛医头、脚痛医脚,这我们叫做蒙古大夫。你知道什么是蒙古大夫了,干脆点就是庸医。你也知道了,新加坡的交通事业,都是由国家投资,人民埋单。然而你别问我为什么却交给私人企业闷声大发财?总之,政府不告诉你,我却是没有答案。 你知道了,地铁轨道川行到哪儿,哪儿适合建设地铁站;巴士怎样川行,巴士转换站会在哪儿,你知到啦,都是政府的运筹帷幄。所以嘛,地铁一瘫痪,交通一出事,... 

Xenophobic police force working for a xenophobic government

Xenophobic police force working for a xenophobic government

Xenophobia had reached a new height with the arrest of fictional citizen Leslie Chew from fictional cartoon land Demon-cratic Singapore. We have so often heard about the perils of meddling with the affairs of another country - whether fictional or real. Just because the fictional land happens to to be situated within some real... 

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