Archive for the ‘Society’ Category


北京烟霾雾气,上海死猪满江 上两句是李总理在美国对着美国巨商高官讲的笑话。在向美国商会讲话时,总理笑谈北京的吞云吐雾故事,也谈在上海的水喉可以喝到死猪汤。 或许,在美国对着洋人说说中国笑话,作为饭后的甜品,也未尚不可。如果作为中国人,不论在美国还是在中国的中国人,听了这个笑话,感觉会是如何?是否会像世界最高年薪的政治人物李总理那样,笑出来?雾气加上死猪的冷笑话,连美国人听了也一时之间,搞不懂方向。最后,还要由总理自己来说明,这是他们的笑话,不是我的。 "That's... 

Tessa Wong Could Investigate Discriminations Against Singaporeans

Tessa Wong Could Investigate Discriminations Against Singaporeans

Tessa Wong, the ST journalist that wrote an article on xenophobia last Saturday came under attack by many netizens. In her facebook posting she tried to explain that her position was quite balance. In the Saturday article she called on the Singaporeans not to discriminate against foreigners, not to be xenophobes. I still... 

May Day Protest Rally – Why?

May Day Protest Rally – Why?

Hong Lim protest against the 6.9M population white paper to bring in even more foreigners. Many of you have attended the first protest rally in February. And a sequel is being arranged for May Day. What curious me, and perhaps Gilbert, would be the motivation of the people who made it a point to be there. Many were there for... 

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