Archive for the ‘Society’ Category


「辛辛苦苦三十年,一夜回到解放前」,新加坡人的尴尬,就是把「信约」朝念晚念念了数十年,才晓得竟然是一座没有根基的空中楼阁,一幅光影变幻出来的海市 蜃楼。甚至,就是那个不知谁给他戴上「建国总理」这顶桂冠的李光耀,直截了当的指出新加坡就是个「怪胎」也就罢了。吊诡的是,在他的新书《李光耀:新加坡... 

Stop maid sexpolitation by Bangla & Indian workers

Stop maid sexpolitation by Bangla & Indian workers

Dear Sir/Madam, Actually I wrote the article after months of personal observation, a bit long though, and hope it might be of our citizens and national concern. There must be Laws and Regulations to ensure that: Maids must be warned DO NOT TAKE OFF DAYS FOR HANKY PANKY activities and be 'comfort' women for foreign workers. The... 

FTs: Quality control? What quality control?

FTs: Quality control? What quality control?

Couldn’t stop laughing when CNA reported LKY as saying Mr Lee, ‘authorities here maintain a “certain quality of control”" on immigration And then shaking my head on how out of touch he was. And to think that once upon a time, he was my... 

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