Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Politics and Ethnicity: Framing Racial Discrimination in Singapore

Politics and Ethnicity: Framing Racial Discrimination in Singapore

Introduction " is absolutely necessary in a free society that restrictions on public debate or discourse and the protection of racial harmony are not implemented at the detriment of fundamental human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.” (UN Press Release: 28 April 2010) Mr. Githu Muigai, the UN... 

YOG: A Case Study of Singaporeans’ blind deference to “authority” and why they will continue to remain powerless against the PAP

YOG: A Case Study of Singaporeans’ blind deference to “authority” and why they will continue to remain powerless against the PAP

With the completion of the recent YOG, we have witnessed numerous reports on the ill-treatment of YOG volunteers. Amongst them, key highlights include the initial “dog food” incident [1] which has been somewhat improved to sub-standard fast food [2], or worsened to food poisoning [3] depending on your point of view. Not... 

Abdul Malik: My thoughts on the Youth Olympic Games

Abdul Malik: My thoughts on the Youth Olympic Games

By Abdul Malik For a start, let me congratulate our young Singaporean athletes and volunteers who have done us proud. You have put in many hours of training and I hope that you will continue to do Singapore proud in future sporting competitions. I am proud of every one of you, and to call you my fellow countrymen. To Dr Vivian... 

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