Archive for the ‘Complaint’ Category
Extremely expensive food at social enterprise hawkers

Extremely expensive food at social enterprise hawkers

The pricing of social enterprise hawkers are getting too ridiculous! How is a $6/$7 plate of Nasi Briyani a value meal? It is so expensive for normal people like us! Do the social enterprise think the neighbourhood aunties and uncles drive Ferraris and BMs? How can they call themselves a social enterprise with prices like this? That's... 

Mosquito breeding sites in public spaces

Mosquito breeding sites in public spaces

ENV is constantly reminding us that mosquitoes can breed in a body of stagnant water the size of a 20-cent coin. Guess the message isn't getting across to HDB and town councils. I found these water-filled metal stumps (attached pics) in the car park in front of Block 433 AMK Ave 10 (in Pinky's GRC). They were left over after... 

Lax enforcement of rules a shame to Singapore

Lax enforcement of rules a shame to Singapore

This PAP government is very good at passing legislations and laws in Parliament because of their absolute majority advantage. We have laws against many offences and irresponsible behavior. But laws on their own, if they are not backed up with serious and regular ground enforcement efforts, is a toothless tiger at best. Examples... 

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