Temasek Review Emeritus, seriously?
Hi guys, I've always been an avid reading of TRE, the ones who dare to champion free speech in Singapore. In regards to the lastest post about Mr Gay and his comments of Singaporean women however, I think TRE's direction is starting to go off track. TRE has always criticized the local media, especially the TNP for its gutter...

Mindef should spell out NS deferment criteria
Dr Patrick Tan's deferment of his national service (NS) for 12 years ('Patrick Tan on his medical studies'; last Saturday) brings to mind the stories of many other talented Singaporeans who were not allowed to defer their NS. Some are talented musicians, sportsmen or artists who have qualified for prestigious schools or have...

Suggestion for permanent page on TRE
I sincerely think that TRE should set up a permanent page that lists the people's grieviances in bullet point format and add to or delete from that list as time passes till 2016. This can include: 1. Initiating bad policies 2. Continuation of policies that do not benefit citizens 3. Callous and insensitive remarks made the ruling...
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- Clap on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of
- BeggingVoters on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- Don't play play on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- PAP mandate strong on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?