Archive for the ‘Civil society’ Category
SDP: Overcrowding and our health

SDP: Overcrowding and our health

Infectious diseases in a densely populated area will spread easily and are harder to control. Overcrowding also reduces fertility and causes stress-related diseases exacerbating many physical and mental illnesses. Overpopulation can cause health problems through poor sanitation and pollution. If there is an epidemic, viruses... 

Government apologises for saying nursing is a ‘low-skilled’ job in White Paper

Government apologises for saying nursing is a ‘low-skilled’ job in White Paper

We apologise for the misrepresentation in the Population White Paper that nursing is a “low-skilled” job. We firmly believe and agree that nursing is a noble and caring profession that requires a high level of clinical skill, dedication and passion. The White Paper has been amended accordingly through a corrigendum issued... 



(华盛顿16日专电)美国非政府组织「自由之家年度报告今天表示,亚洲主要国家的自由度评比,「亚洲四小龙」的台湾和南韩,以及日本,两项主要指标评级都获得相同的高评等,整体评比列为「自由」国家。 「自由之家」(Freedom House)在发表完整报告前公布的新闻稿指出,台湾是亚洲领先的民主国家,维持和去年相同的高评等,也优于香港、中国大陆和新加坡。 自由之家」的「2013世界自由度」(Freedom... 

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