Archive for the ‘Gossip’ Category
Temasek Holdings snatching up “temasekreview” related domains?

Temasek Holdings snatching up “temasekreview” related domains?

We received an email today from a China Company named YGNetwork entitled "Notice of Intellectual Property-Trademark Name" informing us that a company named "Huaxia" is "registering the name "temasekreview" as their Internet Trademark and "", "" , "" domain names, etc. An Angela Zhang,... 

Name change due to a lapse

Name change due to a lapse

THE Temasek Review, which on Wednesday night carried a masthead that displayed 'New Temasek Review', has claimed that the name change was due to a slow response from its web host. Temasek Review, a socio-political website, did not give any reason for the apparent name change at the time, which was reported by local media. In... 

The name of your website has been trademarked by the big boys!

The name of your website has been trademarked by the big boys!

Recently Apple has been awarded the trademark for "There's an app for that." Which means that moving forward, Android have to use other taglines when promoting their applications like "This one also got app." Back home, big investment firm Temasek Holdings has advised little website Temasek Review to change their website name.... 

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