Archive for the ‘Government’ Category
India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for Mass Murder: The beginning of Accountability

India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for Mass Murder: The beginning of Accountability

The Indian Bar Association is charging WHO chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan with the mass murder of Indians.  Dr. Swaminathan spoke against the use of Ivermectin in the Tamil Nadu province with the consequence that Ivermectin’s use was blocked and Covid cases skyrocketed with deaths increasing ten-fold. In the provinces... 

Deadly mRNA Vaccines

Deadly mRNA Vaccines

When there are 5 deaths due to adverse reactions to a vaccine, the mass vaccination must stop. The autopsies are done on the corpses to ascertain the causes of the fatalities. Unfortunately, the mass vaccination continues as if nobody died! Please read the Straits Times report entitled 'Covid-19 vaccination bookings for P3 to... 

Hospital employee decries selective payout  of special bonus

Hospital employee decries selective payout of special bonus

Hospital employee decries selective payout of special bonus of $4k announced recently by MOH to “healthcare staff”. Apparently, according to this employee who exposed the unfairness in a Reddit thread, “healthcare staff” actually means only those on the frontline, despite the fact that employees in other units have... 

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