Archive for the ‘Snippets’ Category
Bride’s family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Bride’s family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception of rural villages, those in the cities mostly asked for hundreds of thousands in bride price (聘礼/彩礼). According to our techie who has been in China for over a decade, the bride price may include monies intended... 

The fall of Alibaba’s Jack Ma

The fall of Alibaba’s Jack Ma

The story of how Jack Ma betrayed everyone that helped and gave him what he has today. The video also covers how the new CEO Zhang Yong tanked Alibaba. 马云完了,这次真的是谁都救不了他。突发事件,深度揭秘马云陨落的真相,逃不开华人富豪最终的宿命...消失的首富,究竟翻了什么错?    Read More →



A land enshrouded in spirituality, Tibet is home to distinct cultural traditions and astounding natural scenery. Cradled amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas, Tibet is a region where the sky seems to embrace the earth. In this journey, we'll explore deep into the heart of Tibet, unveiling a world where ancient traditions... 

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