Archive for the ‘Others’ Category
Protesters closing in on Mubarak Palace

Protesters closing in on Mubarak Palace

According to a Press TV correspondent, the republican guards have been deployed around the palace with snipers positioned on the rooftop of the building. The measure was taken after protesters began gathering outside the presidential palace following the Friday Prayers. The state Radio and Television building has also been encircled... 

Wired and Shrewd, Young Egyptians Guide Revolt

Wired and Shrewd, Young Egyptians Guide Revolt

CAIRO — They were born roughly around the time that President Hosni Mubarak first came to power, most earned degrees from their country’s top universities and all have spent their adult lives bridling at the restrictions of the Egyptian police state — some undergoing repeated arrests and torture for the cause. They are... 

Egypt protests mount despite regime threats

Egypt protests mount despite regime threats

Egyptian protesters defied warnings from Hosni Mubarak's regime that their campaign could plunge Egypt into chaos and marched on parliament Wednesday, amid reports of deadly violence in the remote south. Around a thousand marched on parliament to demand its members' resignation. The protest was peaceful, and government troops... 

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