Archive for the ‘Y O G’ Category
PAP MP Irene Ng to Singaporeans: Take a “bigger” picture on YOG

PAP MP Irene Ng to Singaporeans: Take a “bigger” picture on YOG

Despite the negative publicity emanating from the inaugural Youth Olympic Games (YOG) on a daily basis, PAP leaders have chosen to turn a deaf ear to the genuine concerns of Singaporeans and continue to strike a "chord" among themselves in ignoring the reality on the ground. A day after PAP MP Zaqy Mohamad had given a ringing... 

YOG food poisoning SCANDAL: What lame excuses will PAP ministers come up this time?

YOG food poisoning SCANDAL: What lame excuses will PAP ministers come up this time?

 What excuses will our dear PAP ministers come up this time? 1. It's an act of God. 2. No amount of engineering can prevent food poisoning. 3. Singapore is a tropical country and it not possible to prevent food poisoning. 4. If there is no food poisoning, then I worry. 5. It's a honest mistake, let's move on. 6. What to do?... 



Lianhe Zaobao, 18 August 2010 中国中央电视台摄像记者朱昊昨天采访青奥运举重比赛时,不慎从摄像台上头部朝下跌落,被紧急送往陈笃生医院,所幸没有大碍。 本报记者昨天中午在大巴窑体育馆现场采访举重比赛,在抓举比赛结束后,忽然听到撞击声响和惊呼。侧身一看,一名男子头朝下摔在了嘉宾席上。记者马上从文字记者席违规跑了过去,查看后真是倒吸了一口冷气。 从现场目测来看,临时搭建的摄像台上能放置摄像机架的长度不过3米,而当时上面有五部摄像机在同时工作。其左右各有一段1米多长的钢管护栏,两端用来固定的底座上各有4颗两、三厘米长的细小螺丝钉。从外观上,似乎看不出这是坚固的还是象征性的护栏。 Read... 

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