Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Singapore’s wealth bubble may pop

Singapore’s wealth bubble may pop

The city-state has attracted foreign wealth, but economists warn of trouble if tycoons were to pull out in the future. Seah Chiang Nee MONEY, plenty of it! So much is circulating around parts of Singapore – much of it from abroad – that some economists are worried. After years of success luring in foreign wealth, the city... 



“建国一代”终于出炉了。老实说,作为新加坡人,我从来就不曾为自己不是“建国一代”、不曾躬逢其盛而有稍许遗憾。或者说,其实,对于“建国一代”这一代人来说,倒是充满了遗憾:因为就算是“建国总理”,从来也没有建立“新加坡”这个“国家”的意愿。 不过,我既然不是“建国一代”,自然感受不到被踢出“马来西亚”这个“国家”的伤痛。而是的的确确的,我确实曾经为了能够成为新加坡人而自豪、确确实实的为自己的国家能够有这一番成就感到光荣! 当然,那是过去式的事情了。我是这样看的,不错,我们的国家的GDP是上去了。然而,我们的生活素质、精神素质却是相对严重的滞后,甚至没落。当执政者以为给予贫困人民救助的“就业奖励金”是一种施舍,是一种“功德”的时候,而且牵涉到的人群愈来愈庞大的时候,我开始诅咒,诅咒“集选区”带来的祸害。 羊群找不到水草都饿死了,这是“羊儿”自己的过错呢?还是“牧羊人”的失责?很显然的,后者就是答案!因此,政府无能就是人民贫困的始作俑者。那么,怎样来看待“建国红包”这回事呢? 新明日报林凤英... 

A “more rotten” MRT service is our inescapable fate

A “more rotten” MRT service is our inescapable fate

Traffic Lights moving into MRT stations 《交通灯“走进”地铁站》 (SMRT recently installed “traffic lights” at 2 MRT stations to inform commuters entering the stations about the congestion situation on the platform, to help manage passenger flow.) Of course, what a person with a swelled head and a fair round belly... 

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