Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


据说苏碧华能够当上地铁总裁,乃是因为她和何晶是闺中好友的关系。 政府当年赶上里根—撒切尔主义热潮,要把所有的公共服务都私营化,却出了一个阴招,就是台面上是私营化,台底下只是政联化。而今天看来,它还有一个好处,就是可以作为一个民怨的缓冲器,部长对于服务不好,还可以震怒、还可以很生气,认为事情很严重…… 作为精英集团的一份子,苏碧华不一定要留在地铁公司,不过却要把角色扮演好。以目前的形势看来,苏碧华为执政党的大选“改善”地铁交通,足足撑了七个月(2011年5月至今)才出问题,若论评级,应该也是AAA的了。接下来她就要和交通部长吕德耀唱一出大戏《周瑜打黄盖》,演一个愿打一个愿挨。她的苦情戏一直要演到底,苏这只待罪羊要有很好的心理建设,既要七情上面,又不能入戏太深。所以她要一直道歉,一直低头受指责... 

Pay for Performance – Really?

Pay for Performance – Really?

Arguably, the SMRT crisis management fiasco and ministerial pay are the hottest issues hogging the cyberspace limelight now. The former is recent and the latter enduring since pre-election and still is a burning question. Understandably, some emotive content, even debatable of politically flavored of correctness or otherwise... 

Seng Han Thong, alternative media and choosing sides

Seng Han Thong, alternative media and choosing sides

By Cherian George (originally published in Journalism.SG, reproduced with permission) The Seng Han Thong controversy has produced a flash flood of protest in the midst of a climate already fouled by the SMRT debacle. Such was the interest in the episode that my instant posting on Journalism.SG made it the site’s busiest day... 

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