
Jordan backstabs Iran and opened its airspace to US and Israel

Amidst the escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, Jordan has emerged as an unexpected player in the conflict, making bold moves that have surprised many. While the Arab nation, home to a significant Palestinian population, opened its airspace for the US and Israel during the recent missile exchange, it also took the unprecedented step of shooting down Iranian missiles aimed at its territory. Jordan's actions have sparked controversy, with critics, including Iran, condemning its support for Israel. However, Jordan maintains that it intercepted Iranian projectiles to protect its own population.

As the situation unfolds, Jordan finds itself in a delicate balancing act between its alliances with the US and its vocal criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza. What further surprises lie in store as Jordan navigates these complex waters?

Meanwhile, Iran said it is watching Jordan for any moves in support of Israel, warning the country may become the"next target".


17 Responses to “Jordan backstabs Iran and opened its airspace to US and Israel”

  • No backstabbing:

    It is well known that many of Israel’s immediate neighbors are on the side of Israel. Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, etc.

    They provide a protective shield around Israel.

    GD Star Rating
  • Merobok:

    If Israel did not shoot down the drones coming in, Gaza, the West Bank including Jordan would be hit! Gaza has already been hit hard, and would its people including those in the West Bank want to go through a double-hit?

    GD Star Rating
  • @Merobok

    You think the drones are those made-in-Taiwan type that needs a clear line of sight to navigate?

    If it is not aimed at Gaza or Jordan or West Bank, then it won’t go there.

    GD Star Rating

    The Arab countries don’t trust each other and Jordan has a defence pact with the US. It may have been advantages in the past but with the Zionists committing genocide in Gaza, all Arab nations should move away from alliance with the US and Israel if they want peace in the region.

    GD Star Rating

    Mark my words, as long as the warmongering US and cahoots is in the middle east poking its nose into the arab nations’ a$$e, there can never be peace.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Please lah.

    Jordan also 赌烂 the palestinians.
    Last time with good heart let them in their country, end up stage a coup. Its called Black September.

    Saudi 赌烂 Iran or rather each other. Going back to history. Iran was formally the great Persian empire and Saudi was his lackey or mercenaries soldiers. Long story short. Later Persian becomes weak and defeated by Saudi forces. They were painfully force to convert religion and lifestyle from 拜火教 to become Muslims. But instead of becoming Sunni, they purposely chose Shia. Iran beneath always want to get back at Saudi. Muslims several types, e.g. Sufi … they dance and keep spinning.

    Saudi also help Israel this round.

    GD Star Rating

    China has wisely said there is no change in it’s relationship with Iran and has again asked for a ceasefire in Gaza.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    China ?

    我觉得全世界 those 赌烂 China ones 直接幹 China. 畀一镬佢叹.

    Then we shall see whether China walk his talk. Go UN kpkb and request ceasefire. 大家不要打啊, 大家要和平啊, 大家要文明啊. Or without declare 直接开干. 虽远必诛是吗 ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion says:

    Confusion says if you get 赌烂 every time a certain topic comes up, soon you will be bolan. 应是不行了。

    PAP mandate strong:
    China ?

    我觉得全世界 those 赌烂 China ones 直接幹 China. 畀一镬佢叹.

    Then we shall see whether China walk his talk. Go UN kpkb and request ceasefire. 大家不要打啊, 大家要和平啊, 大家要文明啊. Or without declare 直接开干. 虽远必诛是吗 ?

    GD Star Rating
  • I think maybe Iran should modify some of its missiles to detonate in the air as long as there is an impact, instead of when it hits target? So if Jordan intercept the missiles, then it would detonate over Jordan. Of course to be fair, Iran should warn its neighbors 72 hours prior that it intends to use these rockets. lol

    GD Star Rating

    Jordan’s queen is of Palestinian descent. For every 5 Jordanians, 1 is Palestinian. The king is very vocal and critical about the Zionist action in GAZA. So it could be just to protect their airspace and perhaps to check out Iran’s arsenal. However this is being read wrongly as support for Israel.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Confusion says

    行不行, 仁者见仁,智者见智.


    Saudi royal says Iran instigated Gaza war to sabotage Israel normalisation

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ However this is being read wrongly as support for Israel.

    Sure or not.
    If i m speculating, you are also speculating. If i can read wrongly so can you. Queen of Jordan a palestinian, so ? She’s born and grow up in Kuwait. Her parents left long ago. No longer citizens of gaza or west bank. Who knows maybe she also 赌烂 hamas? And King of Jordan is half british.

    Anytime Jordan can come forward to clarify on national TV, on newspapers, on social media. Is that wrong ? Lets wait for it.

    GD Star Rating

    @PAP mandate strong
    Jordan foreign minister has already come out to say they will intercept any missiles or drone without exception to the country of origin if it flies over their territory.He was also clear that the Zionists attack on the Iranian Consulate was to instigate the Iranians and distract the world from the genocide in Gaza. I think he is right as the Zionists are bombing Rafah and at the civilian population trying to return home in the north. It has also been confirmed that while bombing Gaza for the past six months, the Zionists have completed new housing on Occupied land against International Law.What is the point you were trying to make?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Yes. 两面 or 三四面 都不得罪. That’s what a foreign minister would say in an official position or official statement.

    Fire missiles or planes flying over another country’s airspace without approval / permission is violation and against law also.

    ” Amman authorizing France to use its military base in Jordan to down the Iranian drones, NBC News reported that the Hashemite Kingdom also permitted Israeli fighter jets to enter Jordan’s airspace and intercept the Iranian missiles. “Jordanian airspace is supposed to be closed for American and Israeli warplanes,”……….”

    GD Star Rating

    @PAP mandate strong
    The Jordanians will pressure their govt. to cut ties with Israel.It will be seen as a betrayal of Arab against Arab. So Saudi Arabia and the Emirates refused entry to the Zionists and the West.It is a new world, countries that keep kissing the West are going to lose out as they will be dragged into War to enrich the selling of weapons by the western powers.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    好吧 . We have opposing views and different stand.
    Pointless in compelling each other to accept each others views.

    You say your part. I say my part. That’s it. 讲完就算了!

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