
Violent protests against Netanyahu’s government erupts

Overnight protests against the Israeli government, led by PM Benjamin Netanyahu, erupt across Israel. Thousands flood the streets, including Tel Aviv, demanding Netanyahu's resignation amidst deepening frustration over the hostage crisis. Protesters call for early elections and a hostage deal, leading to clashes with police in Tel Aviv. Israeli cops struggle to contain the angry crowds, resorting to force, including water cannons, resulting in injuries to many, including family members of hostages.

Staunch anti-Netanyahu voices, including opposition leader Yair Lapid, address the demonstrators.


6 Responses to “Violent protests against Netanyahu’s government erupts”

  • Forget about the hostages, Hamas already said more than 70% has already been killed during Israel’s relentless bombing of Gaza.

    GD Star Rating
  • Missing Teenager again:

    Children and women are killed for none of their faults.

    At home, we are baffled with a spate of missing teenagers. Is there a pattern for such incidents. The Police is asking for information of their whereabouts but when they are found, no further information provided, leaving all parents clueless and gravely anxious.

    Today, another teenager, Arisa Yap, is reported to have gone missing since May 14.
    Any clue or pattern can be drawn?

    Is this worrying trend worth discussing in parliament? Or just let it come and go…

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Meanwhile, On the other side.
    Iran president Raisi helicopter crashed.
    Guess God decided to fetch him for a permanent tour.
    Heard Iran people celebrating with fireworks.

    GD Star Rating
  • Evil:

    Evil rejoice at others’ suffering.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Meanwhile, On the other side.
    Iran president Raisi helicopter crashed.
    Guess God decided to fetch him for a permanent tour.
    Heard Iran people celebrating with fireworks.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    There is no Western and US media coverage on this massive protest by Israeli ?

    Then it must be fake news. Agreed ?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    It muz b omen 1505, as he phrase it.

    GD Star Rating

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