Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed
A blogger in China has shared a video, claiming that this isn’t China’s Spring Festival travel rush; this is China’s children’s hospital.
Another blogger shared: the places crowded with people right now aren’t shopping malls or supermarkets, but various children's hospitals across Beijing. He saw so many children getting IV drips, many of whom silently developed pneumonia. Their symptoms weren’t obvious, which caught the parents off guard.
Officials and experts in China have revealed that there is currently no vaccine or effective treatment for the virus, and the mortality rate is about 43%.
That channel is 99% fake news.
Nov – Dec 2019 : The CCP was experimenting with SARS-COVID gain-of-function (i.e. making it deadly) in Wuhan. A crowded city with no safeguards on the biolab doing the experiments. What dis those fools think would happen.
Seems they have not learned their lesson. I find it strange it happens just before Lunar New Year so the infected people can spread the disease to other countries with they return there.
Anyway – $inkeland will be one of the first to get China’s ‘gift’ this New Year. Gong Xi! Gong Xi!
One blogger in China said, this isn’t China’s Spring Festival travel rush; this is China’s children’s hospital.
During second world wars, some invading armies conducted bacteria warfare/experiments at locations very close to the mega city of Beijing.
Could this be the result of the toxic remnants of the bacteria experiment/ warfare carried out by the invading forces then?
No wonder the people in that piece of land hated the invaders so much!
Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda channel
China is about the cleanest country in the world, no more slums and polluted waters in unclean canals and drains.
Why did so many diseases keep on happening in China and not in dirty, unhygienic countries with polluted rivers and congested slums?
Why are there so many American bioweapon labs all over the world?
Use your grey matters to think a bit. Why the Americans refused WHO to investigate the breakouts and works in Fort Detrick but keep point fingers at China?
@ Propaganda
By who ?
Will those creating the propaganda tell you? Sometimes, you can tell who is spreading it.
Who ?
Just say it out loud.
Say it out clear.
@ China is about the cleanest country in the world, no more slums and polluted waters in unclean canals and drains.
太夸张. 洗地也不是这样!
You cant even drink from their hotel tap water without boiling first.
If you say very much better compare to Africa Indinesia India Cambodia Myanmar Laos etc…..With 北上广深 window dressing cities 可以接受.
China is clean ? Please save this page before CCP delete it.
No more slums? 脱贫了。真的吗?
Are you assisting CCP to infiltrate us?
Singaporean Pro CCP fans and Saw Phaik Hwa MUST be jailed 30 years for supporting CCP to screw us.
Your link contradicts report’s “Officials and experts in China have revealed that there is currently no vaccine or effective treatment for the virus, and the mortality rate is about 43%.”
Are you supporting propaganda with irrelevant truth? Your effort backfires.
Outdated FR cannot face modern China. By h or by c, he will cite some old (1922) stories of China that are hard to check.
Desperate FR. Unable to keep up with the fast changing world.
If he is still around, he would probably jump down from the tallest building in the world because of the shame of having said that!
What is your purpose of quoting this here?
Admit you are a double agent. You post a video of an inspiring young Chinese girl, growing up with a moderately wealthy family.
Of course, there is another possibility. You, a pedo, mistakenly posted a video from your collection.
My first question is who spread the propaganda you claimed ? You never really answer.
However base on your reply or your logic if i m not misunderstood. You are implying Unless CCP or China officials say or endorse therefore its fake or untrue or lies, right ?
No money for school is moderately wealthy family? Pro China supporters really learn fast from their CCP master to lie through the teeth.
I am not just double agent. I am more than double.
In fact, I am multiple agent because anyone or any countries who work against Singapore interest will be exposed by me.
We must be on the guard against CIA and CCP infiltration, especially Church/Temple or any place of religion worship.
CIA agent in Blue T Shirt
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
Foreign agents are using Singapore to fight their wars. Gov must take action.
Yes, this is correctly observed.
The Ang Mo c0ck sucking group such as LGBTQ are happy to betray Singapore in exchange for Ang Mo c0ck to support LGBTQ recognition.
Do you still have a dicky?
Next up is the CCP supporters who are happy to betray Singapore in exchange for CCP dicky up their back.
Yes, you are right. Gov must take action and arrest them.
Follow any First World democracy like UK/U$.
No evidence needed. Anyone who oppose, just arrest and charge them.
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
The purpose: To showcase 3000 years ago the Chinese are like that and 3000 years later the Chinese are still like that. No change.
Some just cannot change the habit of eating… well you know what.
• “日本人朴实、得体,总的来说很有吸引力,”爱因斯坦写道。他采用了一种更欣赏的口吻,尽管在某些情况下,带有人种改良的色彩。
• “这里的人有着其他地方的人所没有的纯净灵魂。这个国家值得喜爱和钦佩。”
• “这个国家对智识的需求似乎没有对艺术的需求强烈——天生的性情?”
You are wrong!
It is the China rebels that are fighting their anti-China war here. Such new citizens want to bring their war to Singapore. They even use and abuse LKY heritage to support their anti-China war. LKY was very friendly to China, to Deng, other leaders, and to many China students. No questions asked about their CPC connections. In fact, China mayors (all close CPC connections) are welcome here.
ISD and LKY protectors should monitor them and arrest them all. Include fr who is their supporter and eager to turn Sinkies into cannon fodder.
@ LKY was very friendly to China, to Deng, other leaders, and to many China students. No questions asked about their CPC connections. In fact, China mayors (all close CPC connections) are welcome here.
Thats not true. There will always be 红线.
Provided you dont 搞搞震 e.g. 渗透, 革命, 红旗插满全世界, 破坏法律治安和谐 or others … only normal business, tour, work, study,..etc. Most countries welcome the same.
Like the ktv hostess the lady han fei zi who lau lan with our mdm inspector end up jail or those who commit thief or stealing crimes at landed properties in whatever district.
This is rare!
You always criticise the existing Singapore government but in this you are singing praises for them.
Just because they have undesirable habits of eating therefore they are bad?
The Japanese killed more than twenty million innocent people during second world wars, they are still good and have pure souls?
You state the obvious rules and pretend to be intelligent.
“Thats not true.” You are dishonest. Claiming the truth as not true. It is true that LKY was very friendly to China, to Deng, other leaders, and to many China students. No questions asked about their CPC connections. In fact, China mayors (all close CPC connections) are welcome here.
There will always be 红线.
Provided you dont 搞搞震 e.g. 渗透, 革命, 红旗插满全世界, 破坏法律治安和谐 or others … only normal business, tour, work, study,..etc.
This applies to all, including Americans. No infiltration, no regime change, no rainbow flags all over Istana, no breaking of laws … (idiots)
Well said.
Everyone has a tolerant limit. Only stupid CCP supporter has no limit and freely let CCP abuse them.
If my friend visit me at my house, he will be welcome only on condition he don’t break my house and follow my house rules.
Chinese say 朋友来了有好酒,豺狼来了有猎枪。
Me, 2.5 PhD Dr say, 朋友来了有蜜糖,豺狼来了有ICA, ISD。
Another lau lan Han Fei Zi chicken sent back. Support ICA.
Chinese people have no manners explained
What are your house rules? 袒裎相见? Pervert.
@ This is rare!
If you look at Indonesia with 排华 histories, they also welcome 1R1B and China investments right ? But when China fishing boats come within their sea boundary illegally to fish, Indonesia authorities also arrest them, explode and sink their boats. So is this treat them good or treat them bad ? You draw your own conclusion.
And you think only undesirable eating habits? It is far far more than that.
Chinese no manners explained
Such videos are aplenty on YT. Go search yourselves and get yourself educated and unbrainwashed from CCP propaganda.
You are mixing things up. Too brainwashed by evil CCP propaganda.
It is not the Japanese ordinary people but the soldiers that did the killing. Get your facts right.
Anyway, you want to talk about history right?
Why stop at WW2. Go further and talk about Qin Shi Huang秦始皇.
Why be selective and choose only what is advantages to you?
Let me re-phrase what you said :
The Chinese killed more than twenty billion innocent people during their quest for unification, they are still good and have pure souls?
or In God We Trust American killed more than twenty billion innocent people during their quest to grab more land, they are still good and have pure souls?
And the Chinese erect a temple/shrine to honour Qin Shi Huang who in today context is a war criminal.
Question for you:
1. Qin Shi Huang and his General should be treated like Japan military wartime leader who are Class-A war criminals. Yes or No ?
2. You say the Japanese killed. This is misleading just like I say the Chinese killed. Yes or No ?
3. Japanese haters like yourselves had been brainwashed, indoctrinated by CCP to hate Japanese. Yes or No ?
Just answer Yes or No is suffice. Don’t run away from my questions.
As for me, I don’t like spending/wasting my lives hating someone.
You come in peace, we welcome you. You come to create trouble, ISD will be unleased on you.
Me, the 2.5 PhD Dr say, 朋友来了有蜜糖,豺狼来了有ICA, ISD。
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider (SRFR)
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
Ah, So who is the China rebels here that are fighting their anti-China war here.
The pan Blue camp 蓝营KMT,the pan Green aka LGBTQ 1.5 PhD camp 绿营DPP,
the pan White camp 白营TPP
Produce the evidence here and I will inform ISD.
You never heard of 国有国法,家有家规?
Go lick your Chinese nonsensical 规则
It is a waste of time replying you.
Oh, yes, the purpose is clear————to tell the world that he has mad!
Where are you What is your purpose?
You talk history but you ran away from history class when I start on history.
Do you agree Qin Shi Huang killed more Chinese than the Japanese ?
Why you never demand accountability from Qin Shi Huang?
Oh you feel that Qin Shi Huang is too far in history, than how about Mao Zedong?
Mao killed more Chinese than the Japanese in the Great Leap Backward right ?
Why you never demand accountability from CCP Mao?
Let’s talks history facts.
Don’t run away, you brainwashed CCP cannon fodder.
Foreign agent fabricates propaganda to attack China. He is likely paid to get Singapore into trouble. Go away. Bring your own war somewhere else. ISD, track FR.
This is the result of a puppy being fed, by its Caucasian master, with beef strained with mad cow disease.
The puppy now has gone completely mad!
In God We Tru$t America Lies to cover the Truth.
Bush suppressed Truth Free Speech
Pastor Wu suppressed Truth Free Speech
In NO God We Tru$t China also Lies to cover the Truth.
First World Democracy and Communist both are liar and partner in crime.
It is everyone’s responsibility to check, verify before commenting.
Apparently Opposition don’t take the responsibility to check and verify.
Go read and learn what is individual responsibility
Do you need more evidence?
@ What is the purpose?:
My guess is you are trying to say but cannot admit and say aloud ” chinese kill chinese is okay but Ang Mo or other foreigners cannot “. So you change directions.
Then by liar’s logic , you support Myanmar scam park. PRC cheat PRC is okay.
This round Tibet earthquake, so far no foreign countries donate ! Am i right ?