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Will the Malaysian political tsunami be repeated in Singapore?

Will the Malaysian political tsunami be repeated in Singapore?

In the weeks leading to the Malaysian General Election 2008, public dissatisfaction and anger against the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition reached a feverish state in Malaysian chatrooms and blogs. While the internet was abuzz with the corruption scandals which plagued the Malaysian government, the Malaysian media continued... 

The logistics behind the campaign and importance of volunteers

The logistics behind the campaign and importance of volunteers

This is an interesting video [Link] that explains what goes on behind an election campaign in Singapore. "There is an old saying in warfare that amateurs deal with strategy and professionals with logistics" - Dr. Cunha "The well oiled PAP election machine can get its election posters on all lamp-post in contested wards within... 

Workers’ Party star catch: PAP is insulting

Workers’ Party star catch: PAP is insulting

“If we had considered them serious political figures, we would not have kept them politically alive for so long. We could have bankrupted them earlier.” - Lee Kuan Yew on political opposition, Straits Times, Sept 14 2003 At an age when most 50- year-olds prefer to take it easy, Chen Show Mao has opted for the rough and tumble... 

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