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Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this!

Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this!

When many residents in his ward is barely making ends meet and having difficulty putting three meals on the table, our "beloved" SM Goh Chok Tong is throwing away money like no body's business? This banner certainly is not a few dollars worth of peanuts. Did SM Goh paid for the banner out of his own pocket or was it "donated"... 

Foreigner: Something is terribly wrong with Singapore

Foreigner: Something is terribly wrong with Singapore

Yes, I agree with this FT issue despite being a foreigner. Too many unacceptable foreigners are ruining Singapore for locals and foreigners of high quality alike. I feel so sorry to see how the Singapore of 2003 has ended up into a chaotic city of 2010. I visited Singapore last September for days. I was surprised to see a few... 

30% jump in Class C hospital bills since 2006

30% jump in Class C hospital bills since 2006

"The Ministry of Health (MOH) puts this down to multiple factors - including a greater number of more ill and older patients, and patients asking for non-subsidised drugs and implants." - Straits Times 8 Jan 2011[Link]. Is the MOH blaming the rising cost on the old and sick? Didn't the govt implement means testing that would... 

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