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More than 30 hostages killed by IDF in Gaza

More than 30 hostages killed by IDF in Gaza

A US report says at least 30 captives held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip have been killed. The New York Times report states that the IIsrael Defense Force (IDF) admitted to killing these captives during its ground operations. The figure of over 30 deaths is higher than any previous number the Israeli authorities have publicly... 

The 56 ethnic races in China

The 56 ethnic races in China

据中国政府考察统计正式确认的中华人民共和国民族共有56个,其他为未识别的民族。 据第六次全国人口普查主要数据:汉族人口比重最大,约占全国人口总数的91.51%左右,其它55个民族总人口偏少,约占全国总人口的8.49%左右,故称其为少数民族。 中国56个民族变装视频,真的惊艳!    Read More →

China’s ‘wacky’ dance breaks barriers, unites the world

China’s ‘wacky’ dance breaks barriers, unites the world

A wacky dance from a wedding in Guangxi, China, has gone global, with billions of people across the world learning it. The curious thing is that both the dance steps and the music have a strong rural Chinese flavor, yet are still enjoyed planet-wide, from Asia to Europe to Africa to North America. The dance is called Kemusan... 

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