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She is afraid to sleep

She is afraid to sleep

French television reports on Pfizer vaccine victim. Testimony of 26-year-old Samia: “I am afraid to sleep, I am afraid that my heart will stop when I sleep. I can’t walk for a long time, I feel dizzy, I can’t climb stairs. I had to give up studying, traveling, driving... I will never be a normal person again... I demand... 

Tan Kin Lian promises Commission of Inquiry on ‘scandals’

Tan Kin Lian promises Commission of Inquiry on ‘scandals’

Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian, the "dark horse" in the current Presidential Election (PE 2024) has issued a statement promising that he will not hesitate to convene a Commission of Inquiry (COI) into scandals, presumably past and present, if he is elected. In a statement that TRE received from his media team, Tan Kin... 

Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year 2023

Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year 2023

We would like to wish all our Chinese readers:   Team@TR Emeritus      Read More →

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