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14 cities in HuBei province locked down as Coronavirus spreads in China

14 cities in HuBei province locked down as Coronavirus spreads in China

Hubei Province (click to enlarge) The authorities in China have announced further cumpulsory measures to curb the spread of the deadly Coronovirus, which has claimed the lives of 26 and infected 894 throughout the country. (updated 2359 hours on 24th Jan) Of those infected, about 549 cases were reported in the HuBei province,... 

What we know about the Wuhan’s Coronavirus so far

What we know about the Wuhan’s Coronavirus so far

Here is what we know so far about the Coronavirus (also known as 2019-nCoV) that has resulted in the lock-down of Wuhan city in China. What are the symptoms? Patients who have contracted the virus have experienced fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. The virus can also cause pneumonia, an infection... 

China locks down virus city Wuhan and its neighbors

China locks down virus city Wuhan and its neighbors

Hubei Province (Click to enlarge) Wuhan (武汉), the capital city (省会) of Hubei province in China has been "sealed off and isolated", announced the Chinese authorities on early Thursday morning (23 Jan). 武汉市新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控指挥部消息发布: 自23日10时起,全市城市公交、地铁、轮渡、长途客运暂停运营;无特殊原因,市民不要离开武汉,机场、火车站离汉通道暂时关闭。恢复时间另行通告。 Following... 

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