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Egypt supporters rally worldwide for political change

Egypt supporters rally worldwide for political change

Demonstrations are taking place around the world in a show of unity with protesters fighting for political change in Egypt. In Turkey between 200 and 400 protesters held a demonstration outside the Fatih Mosque in central Istanbul after Friday prayers to lend their voices to the Egyptian cause. Anita McNaught, Al Jazeera's correspondent... 

Singapore forces popular site to register as political group

Singapore forces popular site to register as political group

New York, January 26, 2011--In a concerning move against political commentary in advance of upcoming general elections, the government of Singapore has ordered a journalistic website to register as a political association, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The Online Citizen says it has complied with the order,... 

真的区区1%没能力负担房产?(Only 1% of Singaporeans have housing woes?)

真的区区1%没能力负担房产?(Only 1% of Singaporeans have housing woes?)

12月31日媒体报道,国际调查机构盖洛普(Gallup)公布的调查结果显示,约1%新加坡人认为房地产价格超出他们的负担能力,这个比例是接受调查的128个国家及地区当中最低的。换句话说,盖洛普的调查告诉我们,新加坡99% 的国人都负担得起房地产的价格。 如果盖洛普公布的1%这个数据是涵盖整个新加坡的国民,那这项调查,显然是不“准确”的。我国目前的人口,公民人数约320多万,永久居民53万多人。两者的总数约373万多人。 因此,1%的人民负担不起的话,不到3万8000人。如果每个家庭平均只有4个成员的话,那只有9500个家庭买不起房子。这个调查数据与我们的国情明显的有很大的出入。套句目前流行话语“被低估”了。 我国虽然早在上个世纪六十年代中期推出“居者有其屋”... 

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