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Possible New World Record for Singapore?

Possible New World Record for Singapore?

Floods have caused hundreds of thousands of people in Sri Lanka to become homeless. As many as one million people - including 400,000 children - may experience food shortage. And the Singapore government is donating ..... SGD25,600? That's less than the price of one C.O.E. Surely this must set some kind of international record.... 

Birth rates not rising soon

Birth rates not rising soon

Low procreation is a real threat in Singapore with the footloose and fancy-free young reluctant to sacrifice their comfortable way of life and leisure time to bring up the next generation. TWO eye-catching headlines this past week read: “One million residents – or one in three – are single” and “Fertility rate sank... 

Tunisia’s Sudden Press Freedom

Tunisia’s Sudden Press Freedom

Tunisian media have witnessed an abrupt and jarring change: After years of oppressive censorship, all restrictions have vanished. Newspapers report freely, journalists work through the night -- and it seems as if every Tunisian wants to talk politics. "Castles in France, Bank Accounts in Switzerland, Real Estate in Argentina!"... 

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