Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category
More Fake News From Statistics Department and Media Monopoly

More Fake News From Statistics Department and Media Monopoly

The Government announced and state media reported that the economy had grown by 4.4% in the second quarter on a year-on-year basis. This was itself a slowdown from the advance estimate of 4.8% announced in July though of course the downward revision was not admitted in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) press release.... 

What rubbish is he talking about?

What rubbish is he talking about?

Is Lee Hsien Loong a delusional and out of touch prime minister? Over the years his 4G minions have been doing anything and everything to raise the prices of every day goods and services without caring about the impact on average Singaporeans. Not only are GST rates going to be increased in the middle of an impending recession,... 

Harsh Reality between Singapore and China

Harsh Reality between Singapore and China

SG is just a Little Red Dot while China is a huge country with vast resources and population. China can do without SG but SG economy may just collapse without China. That's the Harsh Reality. Many people I know dislike China or even hated China but yet, they have to depend on China to make huge amount of money. That's the Harsh... 

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