Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category
What happens when 4% CPF rate ends in 2014?

What happens when 4% CPF rate ends in 2014?

I refer to the article “4% interest rate on CPF extended till end 2013” (ST, Sep 26). It states that “Since Jan 1, 2008, SMRA savings have been invested in Special Government Securities, which earn an interest rate pegged to the 12-month average yield of 10-year Singapore Government Securities (10YSGS) plus 1 per cent. 2.5%... 

Prof Balding Rebuts ‘Factually’ and K. Jeyaretnam

Prof Balding Rebuts ‘Factually’ and K. Jeyaretnam

There are so many inaccuracies and lies on the Singapore Government's “Factually” website in its rebuttals of my arguments about Singapore, Temasek Holdings and GIC data that I was preparing a multipart series on the topic.  However, now the government of Singapore and Kenneth Jeyaretnam have teamed up to spread absolute... 



一边是媒体研究机构MindShare访问2千多名新加坡人,调查显示有56%的人表示,如果有得选择,会想要移民。一边是汇丰银行针对居住在全球30个国家和地区的外籍人士进行调查,发布最新“外国人最幸福国家和地区”排行榜,新加坡取代历届冠军沙特阿拉伯占得榜首。 新加坡人想移民出去,外国有钱人想移民进来... 

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