Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
Singaporeans will not become the minority in Singapore

Singaporeans will not become the minority in Singapore

Singaporeans will not become the minority in Singapore-DPM Wong, 9 May 24. The Straits Times online. With a fast aging population, pap government's total failure at tackling our plunging total fertility rate over the decades, immigration and new citizens (NCs) are all related issues and will greatly affect our population policies. I... 

The earhshattering farewell speech of PM Lee

The earhshattering farewell speech of PM Lee

The tranquil atmosphere of Singapore was erupted by the earthshattering speech of PM Lee Hsien Loong . That he chose Mayday 1st May to do it shows his craftiness.True to his pompous character he held court to mesmerize his guillible audience on his superhuman achievements in bringing prosperity and racial harmony to Singapore.... 



Since I’m due in the UK, I thought I’d touch on a character that had been an interesting part of my childhood. He was, what they’d call a reflection of the quirky part of British culture, a celebrated loser. I am, of course talking about Mr. Michael Edwards better known as “Eddie the Eagle,” a ski jumper who came last... 

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