Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
What happens when a Singapore bank’s head office is invaded

What happens when a Singapore bank’s head office is invaded

Back in mid 1990 I was at a training course for Civil Defence reservist manpower officers. It coincided with a dinner the Civil Defence hosted for foreign defence attaches who had attended some displays put up by the camp. That event had nothing to do with my group but the organisers decided to volunteer us not as escorts, but... 

Mas Selamat and Detention Without Trial

Mas Selamat and Detention Without Trial

Click to enlarge Singapore, a country that had independence thrust upon it in 1965, continues to use the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) to imprison any person without trial during peace time. This law which permits indefinite detention, was inherited from our colonial master in 1948. It has been frequently amended by... 

Shocking Hospital Beds Statistics

Shocking Hospital Beds Statistics

The story which Gutzy Asia ran last night on patients at Ng Teng Fong hospital’s A&E having to wait more than 6 hours for a consultation and up to 25 hours for a hospital bed so outraged me that I decided to do some research. We know of course that our population is 6 million,which has increased dramatically in recent... 

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