Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
Singaporeans, you can thrive outside the country of your birth

Singaporeans, you can thrive outside the country of your birth

I graduated in 2000, worked in Singapore till 2005 but left to start anew in Malaysia. I got lucky – my wife whom I met at university is Malaysian. Unlike over here, foreigners aren’t allowed in easily. But once in, I worked like I’d done in S’pore previously and slowly but surely worked my way up. Today, there is little... 

Painful experience of a local PMET working in financial sector

Painful experience of a local PMET working in financial sector

Globalisation has reared its ugly head in Singapore for the past few years and many PMETs increasingly find themselves being replaced by cheaper workers from abroad. I am just an ordinary true blue Singaporean who started work in the private sector in  1998 after having completed my Navy contract of six and a half years. I... 

Then = sales manager $4000, now = dishwasher $6/hour

Then = sales manager $4000, now = dishwasher $6/hour

I have met up with Kelvin thrice so far and am always  amazed at his survival instinct and determination to look at the bright side  of life despite the adverse odds that plagued him these past few years.   Kelvin is an avid reader of our Transitioning. Org blog.   The fact that we are born on the same year – 1961 also... 

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