Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


《我们的人口,我们的未来》专题报告看起来就像是行动党的竞选宣言,如果喜欢就继续投它一票,不然,就只有改变政府,和最重要的就是自我照顾身体,身体健康就是养老的本钱。 事实上,政府最担心害怕的是,年轻人减少,老年人增加,依赖比率(dependency... 

Minister Khaw: I don’t think I have jumped the gun

Minister Khaw: I don’t think I have jumped the gun

National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan I do not condone wrong-doing.  When it is within my purview, I will do my best to get to the bottom of it.  Wrong-doers will be exposed and appropriately punished.  The proper due process will be followed to ensure fairness for all, based on the law and evidence. That was how I... 

Solve traffic problems by paying motorists instead of punishing them

Solve traffic problems by paying motorists instead of punishing them

The premise of an article on Ars Technica today stated how cities can solve their traffic problems by providing incentives, and not penalties. According to Balajo Prabhakar, the author of the Stanford study, all planners need is to reduce congestion by 10%, and congestion will go significantly down. People like incentives more... 

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