Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Goodbye NIMBY, hello PIMBY

Goodbye NIMBY, hello PIMBY

From opposition to facilities for eldercare and the disabled, to construction of MRT station launch shafts near a block of flats, the Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) syndrome tends to rear its head among Singaporeans whenever something that is perceived to be unpleasant is about to be constructed near a residential area.   But in... 

Bromptongate – the deepening cynicism of our bureaucracy

Bromptongate – the deepening cynicism of our bureaucracy

It was reported that MND has already referred the Brompton Bike purchase to CPIB. The matter is a resounding victory for the persistent netizen community and represents a milestone that should be remembered. When MND Minister Khaw Boon Wan defended the purchase on 5 July, after the $2200 bike purchase by NParks was reported,... 



新加坡主流媒体借美国拥枪自由酿成的悲剧,撰文谴责个人自由,尤其是言论自由,进而指出有必要制定‘诽谤法,藐视法庭法,煽动法等之类的律法,来界定个人的言论自由。这种法律的界定,不能被曲解为给言论自由设置障碍。’ 这是一起疯子杀人事件,和拥枪自由没有必然的因果关系,市面上有许多其他的杀人利器可供选择。精神失常的行为和个人自由也没有关系,和言论自由更是风马牛不相及。 这种官方言论的表面论述,实质上,脱离新加坡的社会现实,更是扭曲了界定社会自由的基本原则。 先看看,论述是如何的脱离社会现实: ‘虽然新加坡人没有这一美国人载于宪法的自由,但我们换来的是良好的社会治安。…交换(trade... 

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