Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
So much for a ‘world class’ government

So much for a ‘world class’ government

I just came back from holidays and was astonished at the kind of damage the PAP (or government-linked, however you wish to call it) has digged for themselves this christmas. Firstly, I would like to suggest to PAP/ pro-PAP members to stop more defensive moves that seems to create a larger hole. PUB’s classification of a flash... 

Racial discrimination: We need to be understood not labeled!

Racial discrimination: We need to be understood not labeled!

It was an incident a few days before a Christmas party that it  dawned on me the simplistic, if not ignorant, view certain groups of people have of other groups and thus in turn  has inevitably created a negative impact on racial harmony within the work place. My company has set aside some budget so that its worldwide subsidiaries... 



据说苏碧华能够当上地铁总裁,乃是因为她和何晶是闺中好友的关系。 政府当年赶上里根—撒切尔主义热潮,要把所有的公共服务都私营化,却出了一个阴招,就是台面上是私营化,台底下只是政联化。而今天看来,它还有一个好处,就是可以作为一个民怨的缓冲器,部长对于服务不好,还可以震怒、还可以很生气,认为事情很严重…… 作为精英集团的一份子,苏碧华不一定要留在地铁公司,不过却要把角色扮演好。以目前的形势看来,苏碧华为执政党的大选“改善”地铁交通,足足撑了七个月(2011年5月至今)才出问题,若论评级,应该也是AAA的了。接下来她就要和交通部长吕德耀唱一出大戏《周瑜打黄盖》,演一个愿打一个愿挨。她的苦情戏一直要演到底,苏这只待罪羊要有很好的心理建设,既要七情上面,又不能入戏太深。所以她要一直道歉,一直低头受指责... 

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