Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
In Praise of TR Emeritus

In Praise of TR Emeritus

There were two nice Christmas prezies this year, the return of the infamous Temasek Review in the form of TR Emeritus and this piece which implicitly supported the stand TOC took when TOC "exposed" PAP MP Han. In the old days, TR would explicitly rubbish TOC and Han. In the 18th and 19th centuries, some bands of Comanches... 

Use the likely recession to reboot society

Use the likely recession to reboot society

In view of recent developments regarding social issues like the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street (and its affiliates) and of course the results of our recent General & Presidential Elections, the way society in general has evolved has been increasingly called into question. Issues like income disparity, moral erosion amongst... 

Justice is DEAD in Singapore

Justice is DEAD in Singapore

I read with horror on the report that a public figure, albeit a TV personnel, was given 15 months’ probation for clashing with a cab driver. It was a big pay day for Quan Yifeng’s lawyer and psychiatrist as their successful, virtually insanity plea managed to “con” the judge into offering probation. Mind you, this mentally... 

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