Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Chia Thye Poh had chance to denounce CPM, but he blew it

Chia Thye Poh had chance to denounce CPM, but he blew it

Once again, more sympathy articles for past Leftist leaders on the internet. Latest one here - Chia Thye Poh, the world's second longest serving prisoner of conscience On my part, I have been posting articles arguing why we shouldn't glorify these Leftists. Here are some of my past articles. 1. ISA Arrests - who did Tan Jing... 



2011年5月大选的独特现象是新加坡选举史上前所未见的。一个备受惩罚的行动党政府和锐不可 挡的激烈选举,在政治评论员一声声:惊叹、转型、奇迹、洪水、地震、分水岭、大转变的形 容词下被传诵着。 六个月后的今天,激情已然逐渐平复,行动党也开始要安抚人心,政治领袖保证要与人民有更... 

Heard the lie about population growth yet?

Heard the lie about population growth yet?

For years, nations have talked about population strength as a crucial step towards developing the economy. They viewed population growth as a key resource for talent, labour inputs and government revenue. We are all victims of this ponzi like scheme. Have we forgotten basic math? If there are only 5 man on the island, we are... 

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