Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
公共住屋政策   吸食人民储蓄  养肥国家储备 (Public Housing Policy Sucks Up Personal Wealth to Enrich National Coffer)

公共住屋政策 吸食人民储蓄 养肥国家储备 (Public Housing Policy Sucks Up Personal Wealth to Enrich National Coffer)

新加坡公共住屋政策犹如一台庞大的吸尘机,把人民的个人储蓄吸食殆尽以养肥国家储备。这正是国家发展部长马宝山所透露的。个人储蓄耗尽以便国家储备持续增长。 马宝山昨天说,压低土地成本以降低新组屋的售价,无异于在动用国家储备。(海峡时报周日版,2011年4月17日) 工... 

Two pleasant developments over the weekend

Two pleasant developments over the weekend

The PAP unveiled its manifesto. The only big change actually was what Hsien Loong said. The govt is the servant of the people and not the master of the people. I know that many people must have fell off their chairs hearing this. I know that many would not believe a wee bit by what was said and what was real. It is still a major... 

Singaporean FT no good, foreign FTs betterer

Singaporean FT no good, foreign FTs betterer

Chen Show Mao was and is a Singaporean, studied here, served his NS before venturing abroad to make his mark. He is the role model for Singaporeans who want to make it good in the international scene, to compete with the best in the world and to be recognized as one of the best. He has returned home to want to serve the... 

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