Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The election debate

The election debate

After watching CNA's much publicised Elections Debate there may be some conclusions to be drawn. Television is a 2 edged sword. Some people's inadequecies and strengths are bound to be magnified a thousand times more. It is also obvious in a media saturated era that TV can be a boon or a curse especially if one does not have... 

What’s the point of voting ‘dummies’ into the ‘PAP orchestra’?

What’s the point of voting ‘dummies’ into the ‘PAP orchestra’?

The recent controversy over the candidacy of PAP newbie candidate Tin Pei Ling have awakened ordinary Singaporeans to the deep-seated flaws of the GRC system which has helped the PAP entrenched its overwhelming majority in parliament despite a substantial percentage of the people voting for the opposition in every election. While... 



见不得光的选举 -- 集选区内每一个单独选区的成绩? 虽然说“人不可以貌相”,然而不认识陈佩玲的人,看到陈佩玲那一只娃娃脸而不心生狐疑,那简直说不过去。不是吗?政治又不是玩家家酒,把治国大任委托在一个黄毛丫头的身上,这政治不太也轻率了些? 恰恰就是那些网络影像,生动地描绘出了一个轻浮的时髦少年的背景,让人触目惊心。如果说,我们必须有能够代表青少年的政治人物,那么是不是说我们也必须遴选一个乳臭未干的儿童作为我们的议员? 陈佩玲事件,其实不在于陈佩玲竞选不竞选,而在于集选区这个制度的无耻... 

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