Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:中央社 经济学人资讯社公布2010全球民主指数调查显示,全球民主下滑。台湾在167个国家排行榜中名列第36,较2008年倒退3名。 这项全球民主指数(Index of Democracy 2010)是由经济学人资讯社(Economist Intelligence Unit,EIU)按照5项指标,对全球167个国家进行评比。... 

Gender Equality in Singapore

Gender Equality in Singapore

As Singapore progresses to become a highly globalized first world country, more must be done to narrow the gender gap between men and women. Much effort has been made to protect and govern the rights of women, but little for the men. It has been even more disheartening to learn that the proposal to rename the Women's Charter... 

The fate of Singaporeans under the dragon system

The fate of Singaporeans under the dragon system

Under the old tax system, people who have made income have to pay taxes to government. Our public servant salaries and maintenance of the civil servant is not so high, that makes the properties affordable. Therefore we have affordable properties over our head, reasonable medical and education for everybody and the cost of living... 

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