Truth and Reality on the Ground
Political broadcasts in 2006 by Ms Chee and Ms Slyvia Lim for the last elections. You can replay most of it for the coming elections because few of the problems raised has been solved and many things have worsened for a segment of the populace. What I notice reviewing the 4 yr old political broadcast is Ms Chee of SDP spoke...
作者:李显涛 遇到刚哥的稿,当然要先谈点题外的。我很多年以前已经说过,“资深”前缀一个“前”字,对于一个活人来说是狗屁不通的。可能是碍于我这个网络身份,早报言论版编辑死都不改,最近可能听了某位高人的提点,从善如流,两篇吴俊刚文章的作者简介都已改成“前新闻工作者”了。 《阿甘正传》之所以好看,就是这个白痴把人家的话都只取其表面价值,并且信到十足,还因此而平步青云,成就了很多事业。就好比中国戏曲《连升三级》里的贾福古冒名赴考,不学无术竟然还连升三级那样,剧作者的原意是要讽刺,而笨蛋阿甘之流却误读成“咁都得”。 “我不知为谁而战”和“我知为谁而战”这两句话都不能只取表面价值,否则必定是阿甘。 ...
A Message to Marginalized Naturalized Citizens
Dear all Marginalized Naturalized Citizens As of November 2010, you are probably very confused about what is going on. There has been plenty of criticism on immigration from homegrown citizens. You are inclined to agree with them but feel uneasy due to your immigration background. The confusion is a result of the...
- Who is Talking on A rising start at CHOGM in Samoa
- UK standard on Property tycoon Ong Beng Seng to be charged in relation to Iswaran’s case
- PAP mandate strong on A rising start at CHOGM in Samoa
- TRE Tech on US begs Iran to ‘go soft’ on Israel
- Vincent on A rising start at CHOGM in Samoa