Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:李显涛 中国古代有条官场潜规则:就是官夫人如果比官老爷先死,当然是风光大葬,吊唁者络绎不绝,门前照壁是冠盖云集、攘往熙来。挽联是拉到三条街去,什么“母仪足式”、“懿德永存”就不在话下,因为大家要巴结的其实是权势。要是官老爷比官夫人先死,那就凄惨咯,因为要巴结的权势没了,谁还赶着去探丧啊,就让孤儿寡... 

Why Lee Kuan Yew was NEVER the founding father of modern Singapore

Why Lee Kuan Yew was NEVER the founding father of modern Singapore

OPINION It is a public misconception that PAP strongman Lee Kuan Yew is the "founding father" of Singapore which was propagated and perpetuated over years by the PAP-controlled media. Attending the wake of recently deceased Mrs Lee, Mr Chua Thian Poh, 62, the newly elected president of the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan... 

Singapore’s local media to go to the polls next elections

Singapore’s local media to go to the polls next elections

Most political pundits on the key issue in Singapore’s next general elections, widely speculated for December 2010, put it down to the foreign worker concern. Statistics from the Singapore government place Singapore`s total population in June 2010 at 5,076,700 — only 3,230,700 are citizens and even then quite a few of them... 

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