Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Can minimum wage system work in Singapore?

Can minimum wage system work in Singapore?

I refer to the current debate going on regarding minimum wages in Singapore. Its still a profound mystery why a economic powerhouse country like ours has so much reservation implementing minimum wage policy to better protect its vulnerable  rank and file workers. Most first world countries and even third world countries have... 

Why should Singaporeans bother to procreate?

Why should Singaporeans bother to procreate?

Why should Singaporeans bother to procreate? - Having a kid is, perhaps, as good as buying a piece of landed property in Singapore. To be precise, it is the equivalent of owning a semi-detached house in either the Eastern or Western states in this diminutive country. Nonetheless, it also depends on how much you, as a parent,... 



作者:费言 记得读初中的时候,我们有个老师常常说:这是一件令人辣手的事。。。。 从这时开始,我们就习惯用“辣手”而不知道什么叫“棘手”了。 据坊间人说,圣淘沙云顶赌场派了免费大巴,在柔佛新山周围的大小市镇,到处免费载送柔佛甘榜里的Uncle、Aunty到圣淘沙IR去消费,不知道这种“非法”到邻国鼓励乡下人赌博的作为,是不是得到我们尊贵的新加坡陆交局的批准呢? 而这种不公平,公然破坏市场,抢夺人家饭碗,如SMRT的巴士地铁、新加坡德士司机,新加坡对马来西亚长途旅游巴士,新加坡国内旅游巴士的无法无天作为,为什么新加坡陆路交通局竟然会为虎作伥呢?难道,云顶赌场的法力真的这么高强? 你看,“正义”一下子没有得到伸张,问题不就很快越演越烈了吗? 我们PAP杨木光那些消费人协会的人一不小心,没有为弱势族群出来带头抗争,(对SMRT或者新加坡的任何交通业者来说,陆交局是他们的老板,所以,许多事... 

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