
Lawrence Wong has taken the less than conventional pathway

Lawrence Wong has taken the less than conventional pathway. And he is not pedigree.

He was a divorcee. He married after, but has no kids. Except for VJC, he attended Haig Boys’ Primary and Tanjong Katong Secondary. He is not from RI, Hwa Chong or ACS. And his father is no politician or PM.

For 12 years before 2011, when he entered politics, Lawrence started out as an economist in MTI. He was “rejected by the prestigious Administrative Service,” and was not initially involved in policy work.

It reports that “his job was to crunch numbers, using economic models to analyse the likely impact of changes on the Singapore economy.”

As a typical young man, he said something many people his age now are able to identify with: “I figured…I can do exactly the same kind of economics work in the private sector too, and they are paying better. The thought did cross my mind: “Maybe I should just leave and join private sector, maybe a bank.””

Well, he nevertheless stayed on under the persuasion of his bosses, Mr Khaw Boon Wan and Mr Lim Siong Guan. In fact, KBW was later assigned to select the next 4G leader after HSK stepped aside due to health reasons.

In his interview with KBW, Lawrence recounted how it went: “(KBW) listened, he asked me some questions, and then at the end of it, he said: “There is a consensus emerging.””

That was it. He was picked. Though surprised, Lawrence said: “But we had been prepared for it because she (his wife) knew I was part of this process. And we knew that going into this we would accept the outcome of the process.”

“And if this is the result, then I would step up and I would take on the responsibility.”

He will be our nation’s fourth PM. Thus far, we have two Lees, a Goh and now a Wong.

On the next lap of our country’s journey, I note two realities after the passing of the baton.

First, we can expect continuity in leadership. It’s about building on what his predecessors have built upon.

“It is not so much that we are going to slay a sacred cow for the sake of doing so…But we are prepared to re-examine all our assumptions and consider, under different circumstances, different societal expectations and needs - what might we do differently,” Lawrence said.

I therefore trust that meritocracy, multiracial and multicultural harmony, and continuing to raise the economic tide for all are sacred cows that will be kept as they are.

For meritocracy, Lawrence aims to build “a country to be a place that embraces different pathways to success.” Schools will follow suit, with emphasis on diversity of talents, respecting different learning pace, and more tailored teaching methods and bonding styles.

We are on the right track in respect of keeping the harmony and unity of the country despite its diversity. Laws are enacted in response to external threats and the changing technological landscape, which has become more excitable and agitated of late. These laws stand sentry to remind citizens to respect boundaries.

And for economic growth, I believe it has always been the leadership’s most sacred cow. Economic downturns, high unemployment rate, wage stagnation and high inflation can be devastating for a country. Our strong fundamentals ought to keep us in good stead for the near future.

This brings me to the second reality. It’s part existential and part philosophical. It’s more personal. It’s about the 5Cs. It seems like there’s a change of tide and expectation.

According to Forward Singapore report released last October, “Singaporeans no longer focus on the “five Cs of condominium, car, cash, credit card and country card membership.””

Lawrence said that the good life is now “measured not by narrow metrics based on material success but also by meaning and purpose.”

He added: “I think these are very noble aspirations.”

In truth, I don’t really know how you rate or balance the 5Cs with these noble aspirations. Is it a priority issue? Which should come first, and which is still secretly coveted?

They are definitely not mutually exclusive, but in a highly unequal society, income and status (or material aspirations) are still the sacred cows some will have more of and some have less of. Our society is not only dislocated and fragmented by technology and AI, but the relentless pursuit of material possessions also keep us disjointed and fragmented.

I anticipate that this will be a tough nut to crack, that is, juggling between economic growth as first priority and hoping that our society will be satisfied/contented with what are noble aspirations. The raw reality is, there are many still struggling to catch up in a world where the unbridled material successes of the few are within a click of a button.

After all said, Lawrence ended the interview with this: “I do not have to write my legacy today. Hopefully, at the end of my time and tenure, I will leave people to write my legacy and what kind of a prime minister I am.”

Well, tbh, I wish he will be the kind who keeps the Solomon-like balance of things/goals, that is, between what is material success and what is noble aspiration, focus on those left behind or are struggling to catch up and give them hope and assurance, and develop his unique style of leadership that embodies the courage to deviate from the beaten path or the official script, even if it would invite stares and frowns from the status quo.


Micheal Han



43 Responses to “Lawrence Wong has taken the less than conventional pathway”

  • OMEN 1505:

    Pinky has created all these shit & pass them to the PM/FM Liangy Wong.

    “Inflationary pressures, a tumultuous geopolitical landscape and a staggered GST hike from 7% to 9% in the last two years — these, among other matters, have led to residents here feeling the pinch as prices in Singapore steadily increase.”

    What can he do to tackle it?

    GD Star Rating
  • Merci me:

    Will PM Wong consider granting a general amnesty for those detained under Operation Cold Store and Operation Spectrum for their ideologies and not proven to have plotted the use of arms to overthrow the government? It will mean so much to the survivors to have their records expunged and a symbolic rehabilitation for those passed on. No monetary compensation asked here, just a declaration from the PM. And it will make a bold start to his administration, signalling a generational shift from the LKY era of political combat and ‘hatchet in a cul-de-sac’.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    At least,he knows how to nab a “pretty” lady.
    Hope,he delivers more than yakking only.
    Just an average PSC OVERSEAS scholar ,considered not as “atas” as Kee Chiu and the likes of General Umbrage?!

    Pls be humble and SERVE the common sgs,first.
    Pls be your own man if you can?
    God bless.

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    To be a good chess or board game player, you need just one thing i.e. to understand your opponent. Are they good players who can see several steps ahead i.e. have great foresight or are they mediocre players who can see only one or two steps ahead i.e. short-sighted in vision. What are their vested interests? To protect their gains or to make further inroads?

    So, is LW a short-sighted or far-sighted leader? What are his vested interests? If you know the answers to these 2 questions then you will know what is going to happen to SG in the next 5 years. Let me give a hint. To know if a leader is short or far sighted, you need to see if they correctly identify the underlying root cause(s) of a problem e.g. high COL. To know a leader’s vested interests is even easier. Just ask whether he is a selfish or selfless leader. A selfish leader has lots of hidden agenda but, sadly, none benefitting the common people. So, what do you think?

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    In his maiden speech as newly minted PM, he said this motherhood statement which is good to hear!

    We see how focus he can be to help Singaporeans – the young, the adolescents, the adults, the aged, etc!

    GD Star Rating
  • @OMEN 1505

    I am sure there are 4D outlets in your neighborhood.

    May I suggest you go buy 1505, though remote but at least there is still a chance that it will kenna. lol

    GD Star Rating
  • Luwuganbob:

    His demeanour is amicable.

    His thoughts are clear.

    There was no pressure listening to his speeches.

    Have a very strong feeling that a good leader is emerging.

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    Let’s be brutally honet on one thing, the PAP’s leaders have most certainly dropped off in terms of quality. Only the first 2 PMs were good, the 3rd one lost 2 GRCs, never won a GRC back and received an appropriate 60% vote share. They are just fooling themselves with all the glowing reports written about both the 3rd and 4th PMs. After all, they did the same exact thing pre pandemic with report after report about how the 4G were the best, how they were ready to take over at any time and so on. One Covid later, the 4G suddenly need more time. These idiots have never learned what contradiction means.

    So with the less than impressive 4G exposed for just how mediocre they really are the newspaper has to start from scratch again. We were told how well they tackled the pandemic but does the general public think so?

    Guitar Wong knows he isn’t any good, he is just good at talking like goondu Loong. But talking alone won’t get you anywhere because voters are suffering on the ground with no job security and the sky high cost of living. And people do not trust whatever you say because they can see through your smokescreen so it’s no surprise that the opposition got 40% of the votes.

    PAP’s arrogance comes through every single time after an election where they proudly proclaim that people want PAP in charge but want more opposition to check the PAP. So whatever happened to that airy fairy ownself check ownself and no blame culture then?

    I wonder what PAP will say when they are forced into a coalition government. Perhaps silly nonsense like the biggest opposition party in terms of parliament seats? I would not be surprised.

    GD Star Rating
  • Oxley:

    15 May 2024.
    The day when Lawrence Wong will be sworn in as the Fourth Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore.

    The questions are: as the new head of state:

    Is Lawrence Wong willing to step forth, disassociate himself and his entire party and the nation from the Oxley Road family dispute?

    Is Lawrence Wong willing to allow Lee Hsien Yang and his family to return to Singapore from exile, as free citizens and a true-blue, red-blooded family of Singapore?

    from the movie: The Rock (1996)

    John Mason: now offer to take THESE off (referring to the handcuffs)
    it would be a gesture of your good faith

    GD Star Rating

    LHL has successfully divided the people into two major groups. The 80% in Public Housing who are struggling with rising costs and the wealthy 20% who are still after the 5C and in many ways are the cause for the spiralling costs suffered by the 80%. LW was in the govt. supporting LHL. Will he now as PM begin the work of dismantling the suffocating hold of the 20% over the 80%? Only time will tell if he is a People’s PM or only a PAP party person.

    GD Star Rating
  • They ask for it.:

    Remember only 14% supported a non-pappy President. Therefore, most of the 80% are happy. Definitely not 80% are struggling. At least 66% of them are happy.

    SINGAROAR: LHL has successfully divided the people into two major groups. The 80% in Public Housing who are struggling with rising costs

    GD Star Rating
  • Nathan:

    It is not a glaring tell tale sign to you that Lawrence Wong had accepted not one but two Senior Ministers in his Cabinet? What are the roles of these SMs? Just an advisory role? Hahaha. The SM has extra- ministerial executive power more powerful than the PM should the occasion, situation and circumtance arises. Sure, be fair. Give Lawerence Wong and his government three months honeymoon, period. Time is tight before the next GE. Since when has GEs changes anything for anyone, here? The only predictable change you can expect after GE 2015 is a worse PAP government for another five years.

    GD Star Rating
  • No change:

    A typical “no-fault” report.
    Even a quick reading shows possible faults.

    1. Is the equipment adequate/faulty?
    2. Is the firefighting procedure wrong? Why is one man alone exploring deep into the vessel?
    3. Why the oxygen ran out and there was no alarm for the firefighter?

    OMEN 1505:
    BAD omen saga continues:

    GD Star Rating
  • VOTE:

    The Wong’s bloated way to govern which is unproductive!

    “Mr Philemon questioned the need for a large number of political appointees in a small country like Singapore, implying that such appointments may be excessive.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Oyangfen:

    Therefore in your mind, an island state of just @700 kilometres square, PM Mr Lawrence Wong alone should be able to manage!

    True or false?

    The Wong’s bloated way to govern which is unproductive!

    “Mr Philemon questioned the need for a large number of political appointees in a small country like Singapore, implying that such appointments may be excessive.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Safe choice:

    LW has go for safe choice in choosing GKY as his DPM.
    It would have been better for Singapore to choose a another 4G leader as DPM as there is already DPM Heng there.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    @Safe Choice
    Well,this is to “safeguard” his own position.
    He cannot choose Kee Chiu nor Ong You Con as both are rivals.
    GKY harbours no PM ambition unlike the 2.
    And GKY more pally and amicable with Wong.
    That was obvious when the 3-some were co-chairs for Covid.
    GKY more willing to take orders too.
    After Gan and H$K,probably LW will appoint 4G DPMs like Kee Chiu or DesmondLee.
    OYCon is out of favour.

    BTW,hope LW can bring about some good changes ,policy changes,that will be more beneficial to common sgs.
    But $M Lee may not concur.
    If so,LW will just be as “good” as Swiss-stamdard Peanut Goh.
    Not much except some “icing” like a gentler,kinder Sg with not much more beyondall the jingles as usual.

    Expect more aliens to be dumped here.
    They have to fulfill FTA(Foreign TalentAgreement) committment.It was a temporary reduction owing to coming GE.
    IF PAP AGAIN NABS BIG PERCENTAGE OF VOTESFROM EDUCATED YOUNG DAFT SINKIES,new heavy flux of FTs will be flown in to replace all the daft young voters.
    The pattern is clear as the PAPy$ follow 10-year $eries to make decision$.

    SM Lee in Research/Enterpri$e means he has the “$AY” on economics,not Ah Heng Kia.
    AI ,start-ups and the likes.

    Expect Director Horny to get into the AI $cene sooner than later as some minister of sort.
    This will gradually lead Horny into greater limelight and be THE $HINY STAR for next gen PM.
    It is a repeated pattern to be repeated till both oppo sgs and voters WAKE UP.

    But,if we cannot even get OPPO to unite,then hope for better incumbent Gahmen to STAND UP,not just for $tate Sg,but also for singaPOOReans.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    OMEN 1505:
    BAD omen saga continues:

    On Tuesday (21 May), Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 encountered severe turbulence on its way to Singapore from London, leading to the death of two passengers.

    GD Star Rating
  • VOTE:

    Therefore in your mind, an island state of just @700 kilometres square, PM Mr Lawrence Wong alone should be able to manage!

    True or false?

    RDU Chief Ravi Philemon questioned the rationale behind promoting more political office holders to PM Wong’s Cabinet, leading to increased annual salaries funded by taxpayers. He urged for a smaller, more effective govt to better serve Singaporeans.

    GD Star Rating
  • SAD:

    It is a sad day!

    “Unfortunately we are marking Vesak Day this year with news of the incident on the SQ321 flight earlier today. We are all saddened and shocked by what happened. My deepest condolences to the family members and loved ones of the deceased.”

    GD Star Rating
  • SIA fault!:

    Mdm Ho wrote: “Not sure what the exact cause of turbulence for the affected SQ flight – just wanted to share a reminder to always belt up when seated during any flight, and esp to belt up and avoid moving around when flying over the Andaman islands and sea.”

    Sharing insight from her personal flying experiences, Mdm Ho noted that the severe turbulence could have been caused by the aircraft flying over the Andaman island chain, an area known for its often turbulent air conditions.

    Mdm Ho advised travelers to always keep their seatbelts fastened, especially when flying over this stretch of the journey, and to avoid moving around or using the toilets during this time, as the turbulence can be quite severe.

    Now, if a passenger knows the danger at this spot so well, SIA should know better. It’s SIA’s fault for not insisting on what Mdm Ho wrote. Injured and traumatized passengers should sue for millions each.

    It is a sad day!

    “Unfortunately we are marking Vesak Day this year with news of the incident on the SQ321 flight earlier today. We are all saddened and shocked by what happened. My deepest condolences to the family members and loved ones of the deceased.”

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Now,$ome quickly link it to CLIMATE CHANGE.
    More ‘Clear air jet-streams’ and EXTREME turbulence that is more severe than SEVERE TURBULENCE,bla,bla,bla.

    As commoners,we can only swallow what is being thrown at us.
    But i would opine sincerely that THERE IS TOO MUCH AIR TRAVEL$,MANY UNNECCESSARY.
    People nowadays AIR-TRAVEL like taking MRT OR BUSES.
    Talk about climate change caused by carbon emission etc
    THEN,blame this uncle for using a tiny bit of plastic bag to carry my mee-pok dry?

    Maybe oso due to BIGGER WIDE-BODY AIRCRAFT$ becos airline$ want to MAXIMI$E PROFIT$ AT “ALL COSTS”?

    Too much of these TWIN EVILS will make humananity GO BUST!

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ SAD

    Yes and no. Very unfortunate we have death and injuries.
    From another side, very fortunate the plane landed safely.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Now, if a passenger knows the danger at this spot so well, SIA should know better. It’s SIA’s fault for not insisting on what Mdm Ho wrote. Injured and traumatized passengers should sue for millions each.

    Investigations in processing. There will be further updates.

    Know better than Raisi wont crashed.

    GD Star Rating
  • SAD:

    The Guardian describes that breakfast was being served at the time of the incident, with cutlery and food being thrown around the cabin.

    “Lots of people injured – including the air stewards who were stoic and did everything they could. Bangkok emergency services quick to respond. Very little warning. The seatbelt sign came on, I put on my seatbelt straightaway then the plane just dropped.” – Andrew Davies, a passenger

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    “There are no mistakes. Self-praise is compulsory.”

    PAP mandate strong:

    Investigations in processing. There will be further updates.

    GD Star Rating
  • No fault:

    “One worker has died while two others are in intensive care after inhaling a poisonous gas at the Choa Chu Kang Waterworks PUB site on May 23, 2024 at around 11:15am.

    In a statement on May 23, a spokesperson from PUB said that the sub-contractor workers collapsed while carrying out routine tank cleaning works.”

    There is no such thing as “routine” tank cleaning works. Clearly some management and procedure fault.

    OMEN 1505:

    GD Star Rating
  • Walao eh

    Not even 100 days into the PMship, already so many incidents, here die there die.

    What signal is this sending?

    GD Star Rating
  • Perfection:

    According to preliminary investigations, the police do not suspect foul play. Investigations are ongoing.

    They have shown the perfect murder crime. Lock up someone in a container.

    OMEN 1505:

    GD Star Rating
  • Happenings for this Month:
    1) Lawrence Wong sworn in as Prime Minister of SG
    2) Singapore Air Force F16 crashed
    3) Singapore Airlines SQ 321 nosedived with 1 Dead
    4) 1 SCDF Lieutenant died in the course of duty while putting out fire on a marine vessel.
    5) 1 worker died in Chua Chu Kang water plant while performing cleaning work, inhaling toxic gas.
    6) Down Town line broke down due to fire on servicing vehicle.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    TRE Tech:
    Happenings for this Month:
    1) Lawrence Wong sworn in as Prime Minister of SG
    2) Singapore Air Force F16 crashed
    3) Singapore Airlines SQ 321 nosedived with 1 Dead
    4) 1 SCDF Lieutenant died in the course of duty while putting out fire on a marine vessel.
    5) 1 worker died in Chua Chu Kang water plant while performing cleaning work, inhaling toxic gas.
    6) Down Town line broke down due to fire on servicing vehicle.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singapore is blessed:

    This is to tell everyone that during his tenure as the prime minister of Singapore, the most difficult problems he would come across would not be more difficult than those listed below.

    Singapore has blessed by having Lawrence Wong as our leader.

    TRE Tech:
    Happenings for this Month:
    1) Lawrence Wong sworn in as Prime Minister of SG
    2) Singapore Air Force F16 crashed
    3) Singapore Airlines SQ 321 nosedived with 1 Dead
    4) 1 SCDF Lieutenant died in the course of duty while putting out fire on a marine vessel.
    5) 1 worker died in Chua Chu Kang water plant while performing cleaning work, inhaling toxic gas.
    6) Down Town line broke down due to fire on servicing vehicle.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    “The Straits Times (ST) on Sunday (26 May) reported that Indoor Farm Factory Innovation (I.F.F.I), once lauded as a promising player in Singapore’s future farming sector and said to have the capacity to produce approximately 300 tonnes of leafy greens annually, shuttered its expansive 38,000 sq m facility in Tuas.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Koh noted that while the government can provide research and development funds and capital expenditures, consumer support for local agriculture operators is crucial.

    Typical. Anything not happy, blame the people. Why you people never eat all the local produce? (Actually, do they provide any data to support this or not?)

    Why you people prefer to pick from the big dustbins instead of buying local produce?

    OMEN 1505:
    “The Straits Times (ST) on Sunday (26 May) reported that Indoor Farm Factory Innovation (I.F.F.I), once lauded as a promising player in Singapore’s future farming sector and said to have the capacity to produce approximately 300 tonnes of leafy greens annually, shuttered its expansive 38,000 sq m facility in Tuas.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    If you are right, he deserve a salary of $1000 per month.

    Singapore is blessed:
    This is to tell everyone that during his tenure as the prime minister of Singapore, the most difficult problems he would come across would not be more difficult than those listed below.

    Singapore has blessed by having Lawrence Wong as our leader.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    “The mother of a 14-year-old boy has donated her son’s organs after he was pronounced brain dead last Saturday (25 May).

    The boy had suffered from arrhythmia — or irregular heartbeat — after collapsing during a school fitness test on 2 May.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Why like that?:

    Did anybody admit responsibility?

    Why is MOE enforcing 2.4km run on young students? Is MINDEF responsible?

    OMEN 1505:

    “The mother of a 14-year-old boy has donated her son’s organs after he was pronounced brain dead last Saturday (25 May).

    The boy had suffered from arrhythmia — or irregular heartbeat — after collapsing during a school fitness test on 2 May.”

    GD Star Rating

    @why like that?
    It maybe due to the after effects of the vaccination. MOH has to assume this possibility and start investigating.Too many people collapsing and dying suddenly. The fitness tests also have to be re-designed to factor in climatic changes. This should be done with urgency not after another death. The testing of fitness levels in NS should also factor in climatic changes if we want to reduce deaths of our youth.

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