Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:加拿大星島日報 新加坡过去10年,人口从400万剧增到480万人,除了印度等地移民外,尤其来自中国的外劳、留学生与白领移民大举涌入,普通话在「不中不西」的新加坡迅速崛起。新移民的涌入为经济注入活血,但也让新加坡变得拥挤,民众对挤不上地铁、房价飙高三成颇有怨言。 中国新移民最大聚集地芽笼区有各省市的同乡会馆,也有近百家合法娼馆。... 

Honour founding fathers while they’re still alive

Honour founding fathers while they’re still alive

I refer to the Straits Times report dated 1 Sept 2010 on the Post National Day Rally dialogue between Ms Lim Hwee Hua and women grassroots leaders. It was reported that many women grassroots leaders called for the honouring of Singapore's 'founding fathers' while they are still alive. They also spoke of the need to imbibe our... 

Control your roof, control your mind!

Control your roof, control your mind!

There have been four peaks in the property market (Q2 ’86 to Q2 ’96) and no turning point since then apart from intermittent slides. The Government's attitude has been this is part of the economic waves and generraly a good thing, and have been sky-high since, and everybody else just go along. A case of intellectual paralysis? Many... 

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